
June 20, 2012

My Pad Thai Shrimp…Easy, Fresh and delicious

I’ve been craving Pad Thai Shrimp for days, but didn’t want to have it from outside. I know it tastes awesome in some restaurants, or even food courts. But I also know it’s loaded with fat and sugar.

So I decided to make my own healthy version, with less fat and better sweetener. I chose granulated palm sugar Sucanat over white sugar because it has that caramelly more fragrant flavour and not just sweetness.

Tamarind paste is a new ingredient to me; I don’t have it and I don’t know how to cook with it. It is said that it has a sour flavour, so I looked for a substitute. From my research, I found out that the best sub is Worcestershire or lime jus.

I also added mushroom, only because I had some in my fridge waiting to go.

My Pad Thai Shrimp turned out delicious, fresh with a light touch of sweetness; not sticky or over sweet like the prepared ones. I am so happy with my version of Pad Thai, and what's more important to me, my husband agrees with that…Yey!!!

Ingredients: (4 servings)
6 oz packaged rice noodles (I used wheat noodles)
1 lbs medium-sized shrimp, peeled, deveined, tail on
1 to 2 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
3 green onions, finely shopped
1 whole egg
¾ cup garlic chives (optional)
1 to 1 1/2 cup bean sprouts
2 tbsp roasted peanuts, slightly crushed

For the sauce:

1/3 cup Sucanat sugar
¼ cup fish sauce
2 tbsp Worcestershire or lime jus
Cook noodles according to package directions.

In a sauce pan, mix together sugar, fish sauce and Worcestershire. Simmer over low-medium heat until well combined.

In a large wok or pan, on medium to medium high, add oil and sauté the onions and garlic until fragrant.

Push onions and garlic to one side of the wok and crack the eggs on the empty side. Let the eggs set a bit and then break them gently. That way you keep the yellowy color of the yolk.  
Next, mix eggs, onion and garlic together. Add the shrimp and stir until it changes into orange-pink color.
Add noodles to the wok and toss gently.

Add the sauce that has been simmering and mix everything together.  Add some of the noodles cooking water as needed, to soften the noodles.
Last add bean sprouts and garlic chives. Stir until bean sprouts are done.
Turn off the heat and add peanuts. Serve immedialty.


  1. I love pad Thai! Well Thai in general - but especially pad Thai (which I should try to make at home....)

    I wanted to let you know you've been nominated for an award... check out my latest blog post for more details.


  2. It's great to have a skinny Pad Thai recipe at the ready. Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much Laurie and Ashlee for The Versatile Blogger Award. I am so honored and congrat for your nomination as well.

  4. My favorite dish, Pad thai!

    I just nominated you for a blog award. Please check back my blog for your nomination.
    You so deserve it! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks for the nomination and congrat on your first Award. So exciting!!

  5. Hey, just discovered your blog, and love this recipe! I am a sucker for Pad Thai, so I must give this a go! I have a similar food perspective and have a fall giveaway on my blog now if you're interested:
